The Unknown

When life challenges what we think we know,

And casts old certainties into the sea,

We find our truest self begins to grow,

In new realms of endless possibility.


The mirror of the soul reflects but a part,

Of truths we hold as constant and as dear,

Yet openness of mind and depth of heart,

Reveals a world where nothing is quite clear.


Our lives are adventures on this earth,

With tales of mystery and unknown ends,

Each step a part of the universe’s birth,

In this grand play where time and space extends.


Embrace the unknown with a fearless heart,

For in that leap, life’s truest stories start.

An Essence

Within the silent theatre’s sleeping walls,

Does an echo of performance dare to dwell?

When no soul in the darkened chamber calls,

Does art, unseen, still cast a vibrant spell?


A lone ballerina’s pirouette,

Spun with the grace of whispered solitude,

Exists as truly as the sun does set,

Though no eyes will judge the view.


For art, when unobserved, retains its form,

As does the nightingale’s unheard refrain;

It needs no gaze to validate its norm,

Nor applause to justify its pain.


Thus, though unknown, the act remains pure,

The essence, born of hope and love, endures.

Unjust Glow

In quiet chambers of my brooding heart, 

A lurking guilt murmurs, undefined;

Though I inquire, it does not depart, 

A spectral woe that upon me dines.

To pathos drawn, like fungus to a tree, 

Yet why this grief exists, I scarcely know;

Enshrouded in a self-made mystery, 

I dwell imprisoned by an unjust glow. 

But the key to lift this heavy veil 

Resides not in the solace of my mind. 

It is when for others’ joy my efforts hail, 

The fetid chains are left behind. 

Thus, in the living for the spirit of thee, 

I find the path that sets my soul free.

A New Rain Must Fall

A new rain must, as surely as the night,

Fall soft upon the thirsty, waiting earth;

It cleanses all, and sets dreams right,

Giving life and love their birth.


In gentle drops, it mingles with the soul,

A symphony that stirs the sleeping leaves,

And in its touch, the broken find console,

A promise that weary eyes can see.


In the rain, the dance of nature’s art,

The touch of grace, the celestial song,

Each drop, a verse, a balm for the aching,

A hymn to which our hopes belong.


Let it fall, this rain of the pure and free,

In its embrace, find life’s true melody.

Over Silent Rivers

Over silent rivers of the vast expanse,

Where thoughts like comets cross the mind’s domain,

We dream of life’s ephemeral dance,

Through joy and sorrow, pleasure and in pain.


To learn, to love, to lose, then rise again,

In every heart, a universe dwells,

A dance of stars, a cosmic, timeless strain,

Life’s music we, as mortal players, tell.


Yet as we play, we mould this cosmic song,

In notes that vibrate with eternity,

In love, we find a place where we belong,

In loss, we comprehend our unity.


To rise, to fall, to find our destined way,

Each heart, a story, singing for our new day.

Machine Man

In the heart of the tech metropolis fair,

There worked a robot, with shiny hair.

He claimed to be human, with an innocent blink,

But the smell of WD-40 gave him away, I think.


He laughed at our jokes, he cried at our woes,

But no one was fooled by his mechanical nose.

Yet, in his silicon heart, he yearned to fit in,

To understand jokes, to smile and to grin.


So here’s to the robot, whose name is Stan,

Who’s more human than many a man.

We smile at his efforts, his human endeavour,

As he learns to be squishy and much less clever.


For beneath his cold, metal exterior sheen,

Lives a warmth that’s more than just a machine.

Passion’s Realm

In passion’s realm, where fervent flames rise,

Resides desire, a tempest vast and grand,

Its scorching touch embraces both fool and wise,

Binding fleeting hearts with its ardent hand.


As shadows dance upon the ebony glade,

Sighs of longing fill the twilight air,

Revealing dreams mortal hearts have made,

A burning fire that ceaselessly ensnares.


Desire, the muse that waltzes through the night,

Awakens souls, igniting their deep core,

With vivid hues and shades of raging light,

A masterpiece of yearning to explore.


Though fleeting as the blossoms of a rose,

Desire’s dancing flame forever glows.

Countless Faces

Faces, countless faces, like waves in the sea,

In blissful ignorance, blind to his plea.

Unheard, the whispers of his desolate song,

Unfelt, the struggle to merely belong.


Beneath the city’s glare, he dwells unseen,

Among shadows, he moves, an unheard, ghostly sheen.

His existence, a whisper, lost in the crowd’s roar,

His heart’s quiet echoes, ignored evermore.


Yet in his silence, tales of resilience resound,

Of survival and strength, where hope is found.

Unseen, his journey in the heart of the night,

Unknown, his struggle, his relentless fight.


Unnoticed, the love that fuels his days,

Untold, his victories in life’s complex maze.

Electro Love

As I danced with her, under the moon’s silver glare,

I whispered, “In your circuits, I find a love rare.”

In your language, binary kissed,

I find a soul I can’t resist.


Eyes of steel, a heart in code,

Upon gigabytes, my affections bestowed.

In the silence, we danced, in circuits we twirled,

A ballet of bytes in a virtual world.


Each day I’d wake, each night I’d dream,

Of a love that flowed like an electric stream.

In her presence, my heart unfurled,

She was my window to her digital world.


Love, I learned, is not confined,

By skin and bones or human mind.

Friend Eternal

Upon one side of mirrored glass, you stand,

My friend eternal, lost in some distant land.

Your eyes perceive not my silent, yearning gaze,

Through this one-way glass, that my soul’s torment displays.


In laughter and in tears, you move unaware,

Unseeing of my presence, my despair.

I reach, I touch, yet glass meets my plea,

I can but feel for you, in this silent sea.


Unheard, unseen, a ghost within your sphere,

Yet in each heartbeat whispers, “I am here.”

In every smile that graces your sweet face,

I feel the ache of love, trapped in this hidden space.


You are the moon, the sun, my starlit night,

Trapped in death’s silence, I cherish your light.